zondag 21 november 2010

What about Europe and Belgium?

With a view to our presentation and paper later this year, I thought it might be interesting to sketch shortly how Europe and in particular Belgium are handling with the growing problem of e-waste. Europe has waived the goal of collecting 4kgs of e-waste per person each year. The latest objective is to recycle at least 65% of all the electronic devices produced the last 3years. This is good news for the less developed countries, since they produce a lot less. In comparison to the rest of Europe, Belgium is not doing very well, we are now collecting an average of 8,2kgs each year, before 2014 that must increase with another 4kgs. (Envirodesk)

Emiel Lippens

3 opmerkingen:

  1. If Belgium can't solve the problem they should be told by the European Union what to do. Cooperation between al the nations of the E.U. is necessary because it is an international problem.
    Stef De Visscher

  2. I don't really think the problem lies with the government. People in Belgium have very high living standards and probably have a lot more electronic devices than the average european.
    Plus our country is densely populated, so that means a lot of electronics on a relatively small surface...
    Gilles Gerlo
