woensdag 17 november 2010

Buy Green Electronics

Recently, governments are stimulating consumers to purchase greener devices. By giving subsidies on green products, we are lead in a certain choice. Rewarding the eco-friendly and disadvantaging the more polluting companies, we are moving in the right direction. Producers must take this into account, if they want to secure a continuous success. As I said in my first post, eco-friendly companies get a better rate on the Electronics Company Recycling Report Card. Next to this evaluation method, there are plenty of other certificates and labels, published by various organizations and each judges a certain aspect. Products with a high overall score are subsidized and these with a bad score are repressed out of the market. Take a look at the accompanying article on the website of ETC, to see a more complete description of the labels and organizations. (Electronic Takeback Coalition)

Emiel Lippens

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