donderdag 18 november 2010

How can we stop the 'e-waste train'?

Laws differ from country to country. In the U.S.A. they differ from state to state (which confuses the consumers). As you can see in the graph above e-waste is becoming a bigger problem. It is a challenge to take measures that answer to the threats of e-waste these days and in the future.
E-waste recycling laws generally employ one of two types of programs:
  • Producer take-back programs: Manufacturers are responsible for taking back discarded electronics. What doesn't mean to ship them. Programs like these are very popular in the European Union.
  • Advance recovery fee: Consumers have to pay an amount of money when they buy the product, that money is used to recycle the product.
The situation in the U.S.A. ,however , stays poor. The regulations in the U.S.A. are insufficient.
Maybe an new international treaty could be a big move foreword. But such thing is difficult because it requires consensus between all the powerfull countries of the world.

Stef De Visscher

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